Thursday, November 27, 2008

Writing On The Wall

Happy Thanksgiving.

There is an anon comment on the below link to The Wall about knowing statutes. Perhaps it should be made clear to anyone who wants to obtain accountability from "the system", that it is imperative that you learn the real rules of the game that is being played.

I don't know a thing about teacher contracts, union agreements and don't even know how to spell CTA. There was a time in my life when I couldn't spell IEP, either. However, as circumstances came about, I now know a lot about IDEA, because it was the rule book that I had to play with.

Another bit of advice. I learned the Federal perspective of IDEA first, therefore when I got down to the watered down propaganda of local policy/smolicy, I could tell the difference between dazzle and baffle. Therefore, learn the real rules of the teacher game, and not some pamphlet that may be more myth than true substance.

And, Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New article on the Alafia on posted yesterday. Would love to read your comments about it.