Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Will Draw An Abstract Picture With Words

I have no reason to believe that a cognitively challenged person would understand these symbols I have presented below.

No matter how much I paddled them, suspended them, restrained them, or secluded them.

The resources are available. Research has and is being done. There are evidence based strategies that are available. Can we just get them into the classroom?

Maybe we could all have a dream for a positive behavioral support plan for every student. We will obtain it when we ascend the mountain of ignorance.

Florida & Tampa Bay schools blog - The Gradebook:

"Where is the discussion about the necessary resources to teach behavior?

Most educators, even those who believe control is through power, understand the need to match teaching strategies to the needs of the student.

8:28 speaks to this when they speak of a student who 'cannot be reasoned with in the same way that other students can.'

The question is about learning 'a way' to reason with 'these students.'

Ask this question out loud:
'If usual teaching methods do not work with these students, then why do we expect usual punishments to work with these students?'

In other words, where is the specialized instruction in special education?
Posted by: Trying To Overcome Ignorance By Crying Out For Professional Service | August 29, 2009 at 09:10 AM"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rebuilding Trust After 30 Percent Observed Bullying

Over in the Tampa Tribune, we see that Donna Koehn has written about the Walker Middle School alleged rape case. I am holding out judgement on this debacle. I fully anticipate that we may eventually see a report from the HCPS that states that there were no indications of rape. Let's not forget the King High School debacle, where the Sheriff's office had a document that stated there were indicators of abuse when they said that an assistant principal was toe-popping students in a closed room where multiple students removed their clothing over an extended period of time. Let's not forget that the HCPS simply overrode those outside agency reports and, with three clicks of the heels of the ruby red shoes, there were no indicators of abuse.

A return to school, but not to innocence: "The school sent home a survey after the event asking students whether they had observed bullying. Almost 70 percent said no."

Which brings us to the word "trust."

Do a blog search on Poor Richard's Observations on HCPS for the word "trust."

Donna Koehn writes: "As principal, Brown is charged with creating an atmosphere of trust and candor among students."

Having that survey that shows 30% of the Walker Middle school students observed bullying could be a useful tool, depending on the definition of the word "useful." It could be useful to develop a professional educational setting or it could be useful to promote an image.

It could be useful if it were compared with same surveys conducted at all schools at the same time. A study of the indicators gained from a well written survey could provide valuable information to those administering a professional educational system.

On the other hand, another survey at Walker Middle school within a few years could be used to promote an image. Within a relatively short period of time, most of the people involved in the Walker Rape Case will be gone. The students will have moved on. Will anyone pay attention to the turn over rate of the faculty within the next year? A quiet transfusion over a year or two could occur, similar to what happened at Alafia Elementary, and no one would know that the next survey would be of people far removed from the current trauma.

Gotta' trust!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Called It "Moving The Target"

For all of you neophyte socilogists who are trying to figure out just what happened at the last board meeting when the HCPS's attorney spoke about the King High School toe-popper and the public comments that were made, try this out:

Rules for Radicals:

"According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”"

We should all study Alinsky to understand what is happening to us.

This was my comment on how it happened:

PRO on HCPS: Moving The Target:

"So, while the target of trying to achieve fairness in how teachers and administrators are dealt with has now been moved, time will tell if it will ever be brought back to focus."

Swine Flu Makes Elite LIst

Over on The Gradebook, we can read Tom Marshall's article:

Swine flu could lead to 30 percent absentee rates in schools - St. Petersburg Times:

"The Hillsborough School Board created a flap last week when it suspended a popular incentive — fewer semester exams for students with good attendance records. Officials say the policy encouraged sick students to attend school.
Complaints about that change are still rolling in from residents who don't understand the threat posed by swine flu, said member Jennifer Faliero.
'It's not on the public's radar,' she said. 'Students are not taking it seriously.'"

Understanding the etiology of swine flu is one thing. Keeping up with the etiology of the HCPS Board policies is another thing.

Prior to the onset of swine flu, students who were legitimately ill and responsibly stayed home to take care of themselves were nothing but second rate when it came to exempting semester exams.

Now, there is no salt-in-the-wound rub that educators can use against those malingering ill kids and their enabling parents. No longer can we hear "that's what you get for missing so many classes because you were sick." No longer will there be any cathartic high for the teachers when those imps have to sit in their seats and agonize over the semester exam.

Because there are no more exam exemptions based on attendance.

In professional sports, performance is rewarded with incentives such as home-field advantage, preferred playing times, and the pole position. Exam exemptions, which tests performance of understanding and ability to express this understanding of a given subject, is tied to the behavior of physical attendance. The mind may be elsewhere, but if the body is there, exemptions are granted.

Keeping up with HCPS Board policies must be like a soap opera for psychologists and sociologists.

We are left to wonder on how they will address exam exemptions now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Diligent Attention To Detail

True southern born and raised people have a saying that is old as dirt.

Instead of chastising someone, they will say something to the effect of "Bless your pea-picking heart." When I was a young lad out on the farm in Fort Lonesome, six miles east of Wimauma, I occasionally visited the Primitive Baptist Church, which was nigh close near to my farm. I can still hear the rhythmic rant of the preacher as he gave his message of how we were all going to hell for our sins, unless we repented, and that somehow if I put a quarter in the basket that was passed around, I would have some type of atonement for my sins.

It was worth a quarter to me to eat all of the food that came after church. They called it "dinner on the ground." Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn would have been envious to see the fixin's that were on the long wood table. Some woman of the church made the most perfect lemon meringue pie that was to die for. It had the perfect caramelized top. After I stuffed myself with ham, potato salad and baked beans with bacon in it, I always had room for the lemon pie.

I have written before about loose French cannons. A hit in the dark is still a hit.

I must admit that I can not keep up with Lee's soliloquies.

Frequently, I have to use an hydraulic system to chew through the message.

Bless her pea-picking heart.

But, a hit is a hit.

Over on Lee DeCeaser's blog, we see that Linda Cobbe has sent Lee an e-mail.

Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch: "-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Cobbe []
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:06 AM
To: lee
Subject: Re: Inquiry to Sheriff Gee
Lee, you got some facts wrong. I don't have the report-in-question with me, but no one made any changes to the CPI report. The original and 'corrected' documents both say at the top that they are professional standards documents. I believe there is a link to both on the Times Gradebook blog.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device"

From Linda's Blackberry.

At 11:06 AM.

On a Sunday.

A hit is a hit.

I don't understand the message from Linda Cobbe.

Bless her pea-picking heart.

Best I can do is keep it simple.

From what I see, there is:

One (1) report from CPI - Child Protective Investigations - Sheriff Gee's office

Two (2) reports from SDHC - Professional Standards Dept - Investigation Report

From my country boy logic, there was indeed no changes in the CPI report, because there is(?) only one. (Unless they cook another one.)

From my country boy attention to detail, there are two reports from Professional Standards Dept.

I have diligently looked at all of these documents.

Since there is only one CPI report, it is what it is.

However, since there are two Professional Standards Dept. reports, there does seem to be some changes. And more.

Time will tell.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How Will They Explain The Educational Relevance Of What Is Seen On Tape?

Footage shows school abuse: "'They grab him by his arms and drag him on his knees out of the classroom, down the open school hallway and literally throw him into a dark room.'"

Frequently, when parents try to obtain an appropriate educational setting for their children with disabilities, the kids are denied services and supports through the often used phrase "I am so sorry Mr. and Ms. Smith, we would love to provide those extra things you want, but unfortunately they are not educationally relevant."

This autistic kid's finger was broken the same day of this video, according to the story.

As usual, the school system will first blame the kid, then blame the parents.

Happens all of the time.

I wonder what type of professionally written and executed behavior plan they have in the kid's current IEP. You know, the one they professionally developed that met the unique needs of the student.

I sarcastically submit that the evidence will show that the kid tore his own clothes and broke his own finger just to get the adults in trouble. 'Cause that's how smart these disabled kids are.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I Will Take "Intimidation and Retaliation" for 400, Please, Jeff.

Jeff Solechek asks the rhetorical question in The Gradebook today:

Florida & Tampa Bay schools blog - The Gradebook

WHY SO QUIET? Hillsborough will examine the student culture that kept Walker Middle School students silent even after they witnessed a fellow student being raped on campus.

Look what happens to people who come forward about problems within the HCPS.

William Wieser. Doug Erwin. The federal Whitehead case. They all won. They all won against intimidation and retaliation. Erwin and Whiteheads both won the moral courage award in Hillsborough County. Except for Wieser, they all had the resources it took to carry the fight to the end. Wieser ran out of resources after the District kept appealing Wieser's wins.

What they do to teachers:

Equal Protection Campaign (Pt2) : Goader#more-1235#more-1235#more-1235:

"Watch Goader’s monologue from August 11, 2009.
Read the text of Goader’s monologue.
Watch the rebuttal of the school board attorney."

After you listen the rebuttal of the school board attorney, you will see that he missed the point of Goader concern about the double standards within Profession Standards and the attorney personalizes the issue towards Goader.

What they do to students:

Hillsborough: Suspension without rules: "By LETITIA STEIN, Times Staff Writer
Published November 1, 2007

TAMPA - The student kept spreading rumors about a teacher having sex with another student until Middleton High School administrators suspended her."

A girl came forward with the truthful actions about her teacher having sex with a classmate. She gets kicked out of school on some clever, obfuscated ruse that being kept out of school is not a suspension.

What school systems need most is trust. What they do best is destroy it.

It seems that clever parsing of words and meanings that are best left for courtrooms play out in the every day speak of school representatives. Board member Griffin appears to try to get past the defenses and deal with the issues.

Whatever the outcome, my bet is that the end result of this investigation will be scripted long before the process occurs.

That's the way they roll.

What School officials don't offer as school busing tips for parents

I am all for responsible parenting.

Frequently, we read or hear school people make it a point of how irresponsible parents are.

What parents need to know is that the most important strategy needed to be a responsible parent is to put their concerns in writing in a professional manner. No need to make embellished accusations, just state the facts. Make sure your letter goes to at least two different locations, and that this is noted on the letter.

School systems are very good at blaming parents, even those that have legitimate concerns and respectfully voice them. Ignoring these respectful parents has consequences. Consequences range from parents becoming broad brush attack experts to paying out millions of dollars.

School officials offer school busing tips for parents

School officials offer school busing tips for parents

By KEITH MORELLI | The Tampa Tribune

Published: August 14, 2009

Related Links

School bus incidents
•Parents are responsible for getting their child to and from the bus stop safely.

•Bus stops are for bus-eligible students only. Eligibility is determined based on the child's home address on record at the school.

•Families that have moved should make sure to update the new address with the child's school immediately.

•Parents should select the walk routes to and from bus stops and home and they should help young children by escorting them to and from their bus stop until the child learns how to walk safely on their own.

•Parents should review safety rules and instruct students how to behave on the bus and while waiting for the bus. Parents are not allowed on the buses.

•Students should know their bus number and their stop locations.

•Bus drivers are not permitted to wait at bus stops for late arrivals. School officials suggest that students arrive at bus stops no more than 10 minutes and not less than five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.

•In Hillsborough County, kindergarten students must be met at the stop by an adult or older sibling or the driver will not let them get off the bus. Rather, the students will be returned to school and the parents will be called.

Public Opinion Is Root Cause of Poor School Reputation

Here is the link to the Tampa Tribune Letter to the Editor:

Fire the toe-popper

The Tampa Tribune

Published: August 5, 2009

Regarding "Many scratch heads about toe-popping punisher," Aug. 2:

King High School Assistant Principal Olayinka Alege's so-called toe-popping punishment reeks of fetish. He should be fired.

His size alone (approximately 6-foot-5) is intimidating. He is using his authority and size to take advantage of students. If he were a teacher, he would be fired immediately for his poor judgment. Alege is getting special treatment because of his position.

One writer, who identified herself as Melanie, said she had never met anyone who loved kids the way he does. I also have never met anyone who loved kids the way he does. Nor would I want to.

He deserves more than just a slap on the wrist. The school system should take immediate punitive action.



Posted by ( noles2u ) on 08/05/2009 at 02:15 pm.

I would agre with my Ms. Agrow - in this day and age and the training the AP has received, I would consider this improper toughing. Even is blown off as "bad judgment" do you really want someone in a position of authority who thought this was an acceptable method of punishment? Minimum - demotion, but I doubt seriously if the School Board has the courage to act.

Posted by ( RangerBob ) on 08/08/2009 at 09:22 am.

I am sadden by our school system - to allow such behavior is to encourage such behavior. That fact that Mr. Alege said it was just a "playful" thing with the students is disturbing enough - but only with boys and only with boys who were not improving their grades? This man should not be in a position of power and should not be working with children.What is wrong with the School Board?

Posted by ( TOOPRETTYforprison ) on 08/13/2009 at 11:47 pm.

There is nothing wrong with a foot fetish per se. BUT, the intent with which this one is practiced is strange and yknow if it's sexual (and it probably is) disgusting and probably illegal. This is no different that Stephanie Ragusa. In fact, it's worse. He's doing it under the guise of 'friendly this and punishment that'. Stephanie's approach was more aboveboard. Let's say.There is a worse problem than he, however. That is ANYONE WHO LET THIS PASS UNMOLESTED. Nice play on words, huh? They should ALL GO. Like with clayton wilcox and the fantasy that starting over would ruin vendor relationships.How stupid does the school system think the public IS? Despite the fact that they try to dumb down the education we're smarter than ever.Stop looking the other way from these CROOKS.Good for you, Lynne Agrow. I'm off to find some folks to back you up here.

What is interesting is that representatives of the HCPS routinely complain that the poor reputation of the school system is because the media paints a bad picture.

From my perspective, the above author and the public commenters seem to have based their opinons on the actions of the AP.

How long can the house of cards last?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ignorant Forms Of Communication

Breaking it down to as simple as it can be, behavior between people is communication. The question remains whether or not professional educators recognize when they are effectively communicating with their behavior (words would be included as a form of behavior).

A smile or the finger, there is communication behind the behavior. Praising words or condescending words, there is communication behind the behavior.

People with cognitive disabilities most always have a communication system that is messed up.

It is that simple.

But, since no one can "see" these types of cognitive disabilities, there are way too many people who just can't connect. Kids that are physically deformed or have "obvious" disabilities are treated with much more respect than those who have messed up wiring.

Typical looking autistic kids, SLD kids, low IQ kids and a host of others should be able to respond to typical communication is the common ignorant thinking.

The same kids that are called stupid, lazy, stubborn, malingering, irresponsible, products of bad parenting and a host of other labels, that can not progress a half year in three years of instruction, are the same kids that professional educators would not dare let see testing protocol or sample test questions because those same kids would learn the answers instantly, I say sarcastically.

The same kids who do not process typical social cues, can not effectively socialize with their peers, and thereby do not effectively communicate to or from other people like typical kids do are the same kids that ignorant educators think should be able to respond to corporal punishment like typical kids do.

These same kids, who, for what ever reason, do not respond to regular types of communication are expected to respond to another type of regular communication in the form of corporal punishment.

These same kids that can not process that 2 plus 2 equals four, or that continue to self stimulate themselves despite being told countless thousands of times to sit still are expected to process the professional educators communication form of corporal punishment.

If yelling at a deaf kid doesn't work, just spank them. I have the personal experience of a couple of educators telling me that my son "hears more than he lets on." The same kid who some so-called professional evaluators gave an IQ score in the 60's somehow has the brillance to "let on" that he does not hear as a way of life. The same kid, actually adult now, that right now is searching the internet for various video games is the same kid that some local professionals gave an IQ score in the 60's. From my perspective, it was these so-called professional educators that were letting on that they knew what they were talking about.

Why don't we just have an initiative that makes corporal punishment the basic form of worldwide communication. According to the public comments and anecdotal evidence within the below links, it appears that spanking kids (choosing the least form of corporal punishment cited) is an effective form of communication across all spectrums.

Impairing Education | Human Rights Watch

Read the report here: Impairing Education | Human Rights Watch

Page 9 has a lot of meaning to those who are educated.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Moving The Target

Teachers who are concerned that there sometimes appears to be a double standard in how reported, alleged or mentioned problems of a teacher vs an administrator are handled will have to wait a while longer since the target has been moved.

Trust is an important ingredient for positive based results.

After today's board meeting, it appears there is a discrepancy in what the facts are about the reported, alleged or mention toe-popping activities in HCPS. One thing that I think, at this time at least, that we can agree on is that the activity was considered "strange", according to today's HCPS board meeting.

What may be a surprise to many is that apparently the reported, alleged or mention that the "investigation" found evidence of "indicators of abuse" is now in dispute.

If you listen to today's comments of the HCPS's Board attorney, I think you will hear that the following reported, alleged and mentioned statement is not a fact.

Administrator at Tampa's King High 'popped' students' toes for poor grades - St. Petersburg Times:

"Though deputies and an assistant state attorney concluded the punishment didn't amount to battery, a child protective services investigator with the Sheriff's Office said he saw 'some indicators' of abuse."

The reported, alleged and mentioned story can also be found here on

Florida & Tampa Bay schools blog - The Gradebook:

"Tampa's toe-popping AP makes blog fodder

So ... is this an appropriate form of discipline? Or is this a case of 'This little piggy crying wee wee wee all the way to children's services to report a case of a creepy pedophile with a foot fetish'?"

Ut ro!!

After the comments made from the dais of today's board meeting, some one may want to look at this statement again:

Administrator at Tampa's King High 'popped' students' toes for poor grades - St. Petersburg Times:

"'Since there was no dispute of the facts of the case, our professional standards office did not need to conduct another investigation,' said spokesman Stephen Hegarty."

Trust is such a fleeting entity.

So, while the target of trying to achieve fairness in how teachers and administrators are dealt with has now been moved, time will tell if it will ever be brought back to focus.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ballots Galore

Since I am not a bargaining unit member, I was wondering if I could just print out the ballots on this website, fill them out, make sure I put a stamp on the envelope, and mail it in.

I am left to hope that there is some type of special envelope to keep all of us honest.

Then the next question would be, are the envelopes marked so that they are traceable?

HCTA: Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association

Delving In To School System Arrogance

Start with this perspective:

What's Wrong with Public Schools?:

"The inherent insulation of school boards (and other democratic bodies) from real accountability aggravates a phenomenon known as the Iron Law of Oligarchy. The law says that in almost any group endeavor, a small elite will emerge as the most active in determining the activities of the group."

For a short version, read this:

"..........Consequently, a small group is given the responsibility of
making decisions. Michels believed that the people in this group would become enthralled with their elite positions and more and more inclined to make decisions that protect their power rather than represent the will of the group they are supposed to serve. In effect Michels was saying that bureaucracy and democracy do not mix. Despite any protestations and promises that they would not become like all the rest, those placed in positions of responsibility and power often come to believe that they too are indispensable, and more knowledgeable than those they serve. As time goes on, they become further removed from the rank and file..."

Then read this:

Iron law of oligarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "According to the 'iron law,' democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible."

According to this excerpt, the iron law of oligarchy within public school boards was not an unintended accident. In fact, this article submits that it was the specific and manifest intent of the school board reform of the early 1900's.

I am into my nineteenth year of trying to understand the warped side of the public school system.

Major Seth Adams Would Have Been Envious of How The School Systems Circle Their Wagons

Wagon Train - Ward Bond - Robert Horton

For those who have ever been placed in the unfortunate position of trying to obtain accountability from a public school system, there appears to be a pattern in which the systems deny, delay and distract and then cry being victimized when found guilty.

Read this series on Joel Chandler's blog and note the similarities in which the school systems lost their cases.

Litigation Update

Local bloggers should recognize the defense that some school systems use. It is called the "no standing" defense, in which the accuser is told, by the accused, that they have no standing to accuse.

Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for All Students Act

Arrogance has a lot of power. And control.