Saturday, November 22, 2008

From The Tampa Tribune: Kingswood Teacher Charged With Abusing Student

Kingswood Teacher Charged With Abusing Student

They report you decide, again.

This is an interesting slant provided in this story:

"Treshena Dixon said she reported the situation after the school tried to minimize the situation involving her son, a fifth-grader.

Dixon wrote in an e-mail to The Tampa Tribune that the sheriff's office "seemed reluctant" to arrest the teacher, who "was stating how sorry he was about the situation."

Do we expect to have all of the Kingswood horses and all of the Kingswood men to show up at the next school board meeting, similar to the Alafia Elementary crowd?

The alledged event happened on Wednesday. The actual arrest happened today, three days later.

[correction - I misread the month - it was last month this all went down]

Read the public comments. As with the Alafia Elementary saga, there are comments from apparent parents, apparent teachers and apparent students and apparent ex-students. Unlike the Alafia saga, the ratio of positive vs. negative seems to have an inverse percentage.

One must wonder if the apparent favorable opinion of this particular teacher had some effect on the alledged "minimizing" of the situation by the District.

I don't know much about the inside workings of these things. Perhaps someone can forward this to a Kingswood parent or employee to see if they will share some information, anoymously of course.

Since he was arrested, who pursues this issue - the cops or the District? Does the District do it's own investigation independent of what the cops do?

Was this done to take away from the Alafia debacle? Why would the District not pursue it, but the cops would?

Is this parent seeking gold, and if so, how does that effect how the agencies investigate or not?

So many questions. So little answers. I could make up a few answers, so help guide me in the right direction on this one.


Anonymous said...

I think both pursue it.

If he did what was alleged, he should be fired. Even if he was a nice guy we don't tolerate that kind of behavior. Should he be arrested and have his mug shot on the internet? I have my opinion. Believe me, this could happen to any teacher.

You dont touch kids. Period. We are taught that over and over. If you do touch a kid, you had better be prepared to defend your action in an arena where you will be presumed guilty.

I wont comment on the fairness of this, I personally have conflicting feelings.

All teachers walk on the edge of a slippery sharp knife. Even a congratulatory pat on the back of a child who desperately need it can land you in scalding water.

PRO On HCPS said...

It didn't sound like the District was pursuing it.

It sounds like it was the usuall cover up until the parent pressed the issue.

Am I missing something?

PRO On HCPS said...


Anonymous said...

It sounded like the local police weren't interested in pursuing it until the parents contacted the media.

I see he is a real hardened criminal. Got him for squirting a water pistol before.

He shouldn't have done what he did. He may lose his job, his reputation and even his freedom.

He got the added bonus of having his mug shot plastered all over the internet. We need to get rid of more criminals like that.

Oh wait, he hasn't even been convicted yet. The presumption of innocence doesn't apply to teachers does it?

This all makes me sick. Do you honestly think kids are safer now that Mr. Nicholson has been removed?

Anonymous said...

By the way....he was arrested a month ago. 10/24

PRO On HCPS said...

I'll choose "Queen's Version Of "You" for $200, please".

Yes, this situation seems puzzling to me. If I recall correctly, didn't it take a very long time for the outing of the teachers/coachs that were having sex with students?

The District even "sent a kid home until the parent came it but it wasn't a suspension" in reaction to a kid talking about something that actually happened - the "suspended kid's" teacher was boinking a classmate. I don't know about you, but it is a common for some kids that are a bit challanged with their thought processes to perseverate on things they are trying to integrate. My belief is that this ESE kid saw something and was talking about it to try to process it. She was suspended despite her free speech rights.

Back to the point I am trying to make. It seems odd how this one is playing out.

PRO On HCPS said...

Hmmm - I hate making mistakes like that - I will correct my mis-dating it.

Must have been the beer on ice along with the Gator romp yesterday.

PRO On HCPS said...

Ok, so now that a month has passed, what is the current status?

Anonymous said...

I don't know his current status nor do I care. What I do care about is how unfair the system is to teachers.

If I made a statement on this blog suggesting a mistake I made was the result of my having had one too many to drink I would be under investigation.

We are held to a higher standard right? I could live with that if I were treated fairly.

We know NOTHING about Mr. Nicholson's case yet even his own colleagues plaster his mug shot photo on their blogs.

By the way, from the description on the web, he used the proper technique in restraining the kid. A technique I have seen used at my own school to separate two kids fighting.

A squirt gun? OMG...we need this man removed!!! I have been shot at with a squirt gun by a kid, hit by a kid, spat on by a kid, threatened by a kid.

Twice investigated, I guess this time he must be guilty of something right?

Don't worry Richard...the guy is toast and will never harm a kid again.

I am next....they have been copying all of my posts to blogs. I made it easy for them as I used my real name.

PRO On HCPS said...

I see. I imagine if I had to defend my self accused statement, I could provide evidence that I had been out for most of the afternoon and actually missed watching the Gator game.

I would certainly agree with the system being unfair. Back in the day, any school employee that was a friend of mine was watched carefully.

Anonymous said...

I respect you and am proud to be associated with you, if in fact, I am.

You see Richard, you are committing an unpardonable sin. You are telling the truth.

You have a good day my friend.

Anonymous said...


I am curious about something you wrote: "they have been copying all of my posts to blogs."

Will you expound on that statement. Who has been copying your posts? How did you come by this information? Where are they storing your posts? Etcetera

Anonymous said...

I just have a feeling.

They once copied emails that had nothing to do with their investigation just to intimidate me, later threw them in my face.

I have no direct proof.

Remember, they cant take your life. They can only rob you of your dignity.