Thursday, November 27, 2008

Will The Alafia Elementary Public and Public School Sing Kumbayah Soon?

In yesterday's Tribune, there were two articles written, as best as I can tell. After my recent misread of a post date, I am trying to make sure I am reading the correct dates. Two articles, just like the events playing out at Alafia Elementary, are unusual.

In this article Alafia Principal, Parents Begin Reconciliation

we read comments attributed to Ms. Elia:

"'We thought we were working on this issue. We obviously weren't doing it the way we needed to be doing it............."

I would love to know what "the system" thinks should have been done differently. The true answer to that question would reveal the truth of how the District views it's relationship with the public and it's employees. Would "the system" have put more effort into squashing the beginning of the discontent or would "the system" ameliorated the issues by bringing in supportive resources in the fashion that they are now, only then it would have been seen as pro-active.

Then there is this:
....""I think part of this got out of control for all of us."

I am curious as to what defines "out of control". I have witnessed "public uprisings" for years, usually around the issue of boundary changes. Countless times, the District goes through the charade of asking for public input, only to end up with what their plan was from the beginning. For some reason, this issue did not go the usual course that the District is accustom to. Usually time takes care of the isolated parents that are complaining and the District continues on, secure with it's power. Something different happened here.

And then there is this:

"She's got to fix it."

The full quote is this:

"I've accepted responsibility, and I've also accepted responsibility for the principal," she said. "She's got to fix it."

I have been in several contesting situations with "the system" over the years. I have seen what it takes to move them off their position, and "they" don't like to move. It is a hell of a position for one of them to be in when someone "has to fix it".

On to the next article:

Parents Complain About Alafia Elementary Principal

The post date of this article just seems like it doesn't fit. It has been six days since the meeting, and most of this is old news. Except for one thing.

On the side of the article are the links to the gator pit.

I must say I am seeing things I thought would never happen. Over the years, I have more than once written and spoke to various members of the local media and asked in many different ways that they perform their duty in ferreting out the truth about our local education agency. As some of you have recently seen, there is usually a world of difference in what you read in the Tribune compared to what you read in the Times about the same event here in HCPS.

The public deserves to know the truth. The school employees deserve to know the truth. I have said previously I don't know what happened at Alafia Elementary, but what we can see is that the usual course of events have changed dramatically.

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