Tuesday, November 18, 2008

High And Dry on The Upcoming Drinking Game

I think I was shut out.

I will say that the public did a great job of presenting the public input in a respectful manner.

Time will tell if the respect is mutual.

Ms. Olson asked the defining question - I will paraphrase to "what went wrong and why the hell wasn't this taken care of a long time ago".

Word to the wise - when it takes years to take care of the problem, you get (ex)parents like me.

Link to High and Dry Prediction:

PRO on HCPS: Upcoming Drinking Game: "A public speaker will be told they are out of order?

The televised and main-stream production will malfunction?

The members of the public that are there to speak about the Alafia Elementary debacle will be told that the Board will not be receiving comments about that at this time, and that another meeting will be scheduled for them to speak at some yet-to-be-determined time?

Someone will actually be hand-cuffed?

No one will talk about the word 'public' in Hillsborough County Public Schools?

At least one Board member will have the temerity to hold their 'Robert's Rules Of Order' book up high while they are calling for a point of order?"


Anonymous said...

Thank you, April Griffin, for defending the parents rights to speak for 3 minutes. Shame on you, Jack Lamb, for not speaking up more forcefully until you saw that parents came prepared. You knew better.

Mr. Lamb has been a personal friend of Mrs. Smith and his failure to act speoke volumes.

I have heard that his daughter was on the assessment team, a clear conflict of interest. How many other members were "planted"?

What will it take before the public rises up and says "enough"?

PRO On HCPS said...

For one, most of us only see the issue that effects us. Most people don't realize that injustice is only an incident away from effecting them.

It took me six years to start seeing the big picture. You are right that these issues are not just about these few parents.

Read about the Erwin Case - can be found over on Lee De'Cesare's blog _ The Casting Room Couch.

Read the first Whitehead Case about how the District retaliated against the parents - this was proved in Federal Court.

Read "Death By Education" written by William Wieser. He was a teacher who ended up being railroaded out of his job - he wrote about some of the very people that are still around today.

What you are seeing is what may be the culture of the system and how it deals with parents or employees that get in their way.

It is hard to believe unless you connect enough of the dots to start seeing the real picture.