Friday, November 21, 2008

District Support When You Need It

In today's Tribune, we have the continuing public posts.

Here is one that sticks out:

Parents Level Criticisms At Alafia Principal At Meeting#comments#comments#comments:

"Posted by ( ILMC ) on 11/21/2008 at 05:12 pm.
I guess we know who momto3 is!The blogspot is completely one-sided. For those of you who say its not are as completely deluded about that as you are many other things. I have posted numerous, valid points without trying to take one side or the other and yet they still don't get posted. It is clear that anyone who is not enraged and hating Mrs. Smith right now rarely gets posted there. The only reason people who believe in Mrs. Smith (who is very committed and intelligent) don't speak out is because we have already been bullied by parents for not joining the bandwagon. How many of us parents were repeatedly approached to sign a petition (even after we said no) and then looked at condescendingly and then bad-mouthed when we chose not to? If we didn't already feel abused, I wonder how many of us would stand up and fight. I guess we're not as hateful of people and don't want to get in battle with the rest of you."

Apparently this gator-crawl started last spring. What happened or didn't happen last spring that has allowed the gator eggs to hatch and grow into such a mammoth that would rival the gator that ate New York after it escaped from the sewers?

How come the District resources, which we know there are a lot of, didn't collaborate with the Principal last spring to make gator-egg omelets with a side order of ham?

Was the Principal left to take on the public jabberwock? Why didn't the District stand by the Tumtum tree and when the public came whiffling through the tulgey wood, take out it's vorpal blade and go snicker-snack and leave the public dead?

Last spring was a long time ago to let this issue grow.

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