Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another Dot

Sticks of Fire: a Tampa blog » Blog Archive » schools moving backwards

The comments on the above link were made almost a year ago. I think at least one of the commenters ended up losing their job. The story about it can be found through searching.

I have written before about the war between public school systems and the public.

This dust up at Alafia is emotionally intense to the ones involved in it. If you take a step back and look at the big picture, what it basically comes down to is power and control and how one perceives what power and control means.

To some, power and control is absolute. There is no middle ground. There is no compromise. Any and all of the entities involved in this dispute, no matter which "side" they are on, that see power and control as absolute will further diminish the efficiency and effectiveness of the local public school system. But it won't matter to them.

Just take a drive around the county and see what there is to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are so many dots, it looks like the school district has the measles!