Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Yes, This Place Really Is A Zoo!"

I have never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Otto. I like his style of writing and his perspective on local life. He might be a great source to study that Human Geography that is being touted as a landslide of a cash cow.

You gotta love the title of this opinion he wrote. I, of course, view the local politics as it relates to our public education system. For some reason, this title just got my attention. If you have watched the HCPS Board meetings for the last 10 plus years, you might understand what I am talking about.

I have never watched a Tampa zoo Board meeting. How many of you are like me and wonder if, in reaction to some type of criticism of the zoo be it media or public, the Board brings in a targeted show to the next Board meeting. Say, someone complains how the otter's don't have any opportunity to expend energy. Or perhaps the elephants only do that two step rocking motion, sort of like some kids do. In response to these types of comments by concerned people which translates into bad PR, does the zoo Board bring in an otter performance or a three ring elephant show to demonstrate how hard the zoo employees are working and that these shows demonstrate why the Tampa zoo is a model for the nation? Does each Board member fawn over these hapless deer or, in the case of the big cats, should we just see it as mane lying?

I had to read the article twice to make sure I knew which Board Mr. Otto was writing about.

Yes, This Place Really Is A Zoo!:

"Instead of a nationwide search, they ought to find a few people in their boardroom who might be interested in actually knowing what's going on at the zoo."

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