Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ms. Faliero Goes Sphere's To The Barricade

OK, now that I have your attention, that means balls to the wall - or ovaries to the fallopian tube - I report, you decide.

At this point, I am speechless. All I can interpret is that there has to be something good to come out of this. I hope.

Go to the Alafia Blogspot to see if it still has this post:

BoardmemberFaliero said...
Dear Alafia Parents,

For the past six years, I have served as your elected school board member in District 4. My success has come from being an outsider.

My background is in corporate Public Relations. My connection to the Adminstration is through the relationships I have fostered in order for me to be an effective board member, much like those necessary to succeed in any organization. I'm also a parent with two daughters who attend schools in the Valrico area. Both my children went to Buckhorn, and my youngest attended Bevis. Valrico has been my home since 1993. After reading over some of the blog entries, I felt you needed background information on me. Your voices have not fallen on deaf ears when speaking at the board meetings. I have never seen an uprising from the parents as I have witnessed from the parents and teachers at Alafia. Further concerning and enlightening to me was being witness to the parent meeting held with Mrs. Elia and afterwards hearing firsthand your struggles with the principal.

Mrs. Elia has asked me to support her most recent decision and to give her a chance to address the many concerns you have raised. She will give her recommendation by December 20. What is unusual is that the Superintendent is involved at this level. The Area Director is the direct Supervisor for principals in a given area. The next in line would be Assistant Superintendent for Administration Lewis Brinson. Both are highly qualified, successful staff members. I have worked with both individuals and consider them to be two of the best administrators in our district. As I have said before, this is an unprecedented situation.

It is important that you get accurate information. BLOGS have become breeding grounds for discontents and false information.

So, what happens next? As a board member, it is my responsibility to hold the superintendent accountable for her decisions. She is the only employee other than the board attorney that the board has hiring and firing authority over. She has until December 20 to make a final recommendation.

Please utilize this uncomfortable time to read to the students, hold a breakfast for parents at the school site, do something nice for a teacher, send notes from your children, focus on making sure the students have a memorable time at school. These issues will be resolved.

If you have any questions or want to share something personally with me, please call me at 813-571-2705 or email me at

Jennifer Faliero
School Board Member District 4
901 E. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33602

December 4, 2008 5:23 PM

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