Saturday, December 6, 2008

Alafia Elementary Debacle - Preparing For Dec. 9th Board Meeting

Should we go straight Lumsden west all the way until it comes to 60 and then turn left?

Should we take the Crosstown? It exits right at that building that has those fortress type windows.

How many of you think the ROSSAC building was built to withstand bow and arrow attacks? The only word I can think of at this time is "meurtriere". There is probably a better suited word for how the windows are protected by those funny looking slats, mais je ne sais pas.

Got maps? Got parking money? Got bail money?

The Alafia Alliance is better than anything I have seen. They must have a veteran trained in warfare as part of their team. Who else would have thought of hiring a security guard to watch the carpool lot? In this day and age of retaliation, who would have been surprised to see these vehicles vandalized while the troops were off to the war arena?

It appears that the gator group has thwarted the usual tactics of the District, so far. I see there is a meeting scheduled for Dec. 17th, so that should effectively carry the conflict out through the end of this year. Another meeting strategically scheduled after things have settled down from the New Year and after the FCAT money scam week and shortly before spring break could grind this issue out until the end of the school year.

The District detests outside influence and interference. The Alafia gang have it all. The public. The media. At least one vocal politician. Apparent attempts to bring in the State people. What started out as a "site based" problem - the term the District prefers to use to assuage outsiders - has now blossomed into damn near a global spectacle.

Many years ago when I was involved in my own siege against the buttresses of the Great Land of Oz, one of the Captains of Mayhem took me off to the side and said "Richard, next time, ask a specific question, then wait for the specific answer, and don't let go of the question."

The Board already has insulated themselves from answering questions on the night of the meeting. Read their public comment pronouncement. However, it doesn't say that they will ever answer the question, only that they will consider the question or what ever word they use that can be obfuscated later. The trick is to ask the question in a formal manner that commands a response.

Bonne chance!

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