Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Alafia Elementary Gearing Up For Another Board Meeting

If nothing else, the goings on at the Alafia Elementary seems to draw a lot of attention from an eclectic sort of interested educational, governmental and media types. This would be a statistical guess on my part, since I am just an isolated incident of a blog that happens to have a link to the gatorland.

Those who are serious about the greater issues facing our local public education agency should connect with the issues that are outlined at EsKay. The bells and whistles of these issues can be found over at Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch
One thing can be said about the Alafia Alliance is that they are loud and proud so far. I have reason to believe they have dug deep into the dusty ditty bag of forgotten history of events that may shed more interest into the present kadoodle.

We can hope that the attention that this group is bringing out about how the system works (or doesn't) can spread to other major concerns that effect a large number of people that don't have the soap box stance afforded to the Gatornationals, yet.

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