Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Sorry, I missed this one the other day.

I mentioned the other day that kumbaya is wafting across the county. I thought I first heard it coming from the east, and it appears it is making it's way across the District.

Bus Issue Still Vexes Hillsborough School Board#comments#comments:

"Member Candy Olson said the district should make customer service as much of a priority as student achievement. The district needs training, Olson said, possibly from local companies, on how to deal with its customers, whether it is on transportation or other issues.
'When parents feel respected and trusted, they're more likely to work with us and trust us,' she said.
She hoped the workshop could come at a time when parents could attend, listen to the discussion and offer solutions."

As always, read the public comments for added flavor.

This article makes a direct connection to my previous blog. There is that word "trust".

Why now?

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