Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ding, Lady Justice is Done

Click Here for special Christmas music sung by a regular citizen:

Ding Fries Are Done!

Connecting the dots sometimes is extremely frustrating. I have to take 10 deep cleansing breaths and then remember to tap into my sarcastic mocking of the system.

While I wait for the next shoe to drop over on the Alafia Blog, to me, the below story regarding the outcome of a teacher having sex with a student is evidence of how whacked out our society is. An adult teacher was considered less competent than a teen student is the premise. But there is more. Their relationship within the world of Special Education seems to now be reversed. You have to read the article to see how it happened.

Does the student now get to write goals and objectives for the teacher?

Click Here:Judge defends probation for teacher in sex case - St. Petersburg Times:
"....He said from the bench that the victim, then 16 and borderline mentally retarded, according to prosecutors, was probably the more mature and less vulnerable of the two. "

"He exercised authority over her," Padgett said."

"Even though the teen was in a special education class, one psychologist who testified for the defense said he wasn't mentally retarded. The state provided no experts to contradict that claim."

I can't believe I am reading this. However, this is not the first time I have heard it. It is stated right here in King Of The Hill.

Get through the advertisement and then watch "No Bobby Left Behind" whole episode or else you won't get it.

Click Here:FOX on Demand
Aired 11/9/2008
Principal Moss has the low achievement kids (including Bobby) evaluated for “special needs”.

Thanks go to Lee and Thomas for the links.


Anonymous said...

"Ding fries are done"

"student more mature than teacher"

Suggestion from SB member that SP Times staffers working 24/7 to monitor blogs.

who is talking misinformation about us.....get that staffer on the job screening out bad PR.

Discontents and false information on blogs! we got your number and you will pay...right Steve Kent ahh errrr Kemp? she thinks they should work from home for free like teachers. They DO expect teachers to work from home grading papers. And yes, like good compliant, scared-for-their-jobs, no-self-respect sheep...they do. Teachers will never get respect until the begin respecting themselves.

On another blog I read that teachers were asked to spend an important instructional period putting on a dog and pony show for a Springboard liaison.

3 calls not returned and "ding" you can have an IEP meeting w/o the parents. Did they really call??? Parents can be so burdensome to the process. Let the pro's handle it.

I swear by all that's holy...the inmates are running the asylum. Can you guys see that?

Anyone remember the American officer said at the very end of "Bridge over the River Kwai"? It describes perfectly my observations of the SDHC

Winner gets the notes from my last mandatory PLC get together.

Ding.....I am done.


PRO On HCPS said...

I'll take "Madness, Madness, Madness" for $1000, please.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you're right!

For $1000, it's a mad mad mad mad _______.

Anonymous said...

Only the note from my last PLC (professional learning committee) meeting. $1000.00USD....Jeez, I am teacher.

Yes...You are right Richard... Did you Google it? Be honest.

Doesn't matter, the PLC notes are yours.

Maybe Steve and I can get some "ethics training".

The action plan for Ms Smith was a sham. Want proof?

See if the former principal actually gets the ethics training.

For that maytter, lets see if she actually receives the Eckard College $4500.00USD "make nice" tune-up that was announced.

Mr. Hancock, want to put the PLC notes you just won on the line?
Bet its all canceled now. Whats the point? The public didn't bother to mix the Kool Aid, much less drink it.

If they were serious about her needing the extra assistance and it wasn't just a PR-bone casually thrown the parents of Alafia, the training should proceed, right?



PRO On HCPS said...

Google it was.

Time will tell about the trainings.

How would we know?

Anonymous said...

Smith attened training at Eckerd this past week, as far as I know.

I would assume that we will have a better idea about what will remain of the Action Plan after Mrs. Elia visits the school on Decemmber 17th.

Stay tuned.