Tuesday, December 9, 2008

From Collier County - A Blog That Contains A Message

While doing a little research about how blogs are being attacked, I found this link from Collier County. It is a parody. Too bad it wasn't written about the truth. This is not a read for concrete thinkers.

Linda Abbott says: "Visit Rockford!": "labbottsaysvisitrockford.blogspot.com

Found close to the bottom of the blog,

Everyone who interacts with children would earn more than everyone who pushes paper. (Or, stated another way: everyone who pushes paper would earn less than those who interact with children.) In short, the lowest teacher salary would be higher than ANYONE who works in the administrative center. NO MORE SIX-FIGURE SALARIES FOR ANYONE WHO IS A PAPER-PUSHER IN A SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMIN CENTER. Instead, such people can keep their big titles -- and can each make up to $29,000 per year, if the lowest paid teacher is making $30,000. (And, there are some teachers in this country who make even less than $30,000. Yes, it's true.)

There's a lot more that goes on in this school district that I really hate to see. And, I've been seeing it for about 15 years now. In any event -- I like to laugh. So, I hope you had a good time here! And, I'm glad my work made you laugh. (It made me laugh, too!) :)"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am the author of the excerpt you quoted above from a parody blog.

That particular section was not part of the "parody" on that blog, and represents my actual thinking about how the pay scale should REALLY be structured:

Teachers at the TOP, and paper-pushing administrators at the BOTTOM.

Thanks for highlighting it here on your blog.

PS You might also enjoy visiting some other parody blogs I have written about what really goes on in this district -

(1) For community reaction to the current superintendent, see:

Dennis Thompson Responds

(2) For a quiz about the new superintendent, Dennis Thompson, a retired Army colonel, and his actual background, see:

Dennis Thompson Background Quiz

(3) And for my newest parody, a spoof on the official handbook of district administrators, see:

We Don't Follow No Stinkin' Law

BTW, a reminder for teachers: "parody" is constitutionally protected free speech -- even for a teacher. (Teachers, it's a great way to criticize whatever sleaze is happening in YOUR school district.)