Sunday, December 28, 2008

Does Anyone Trust Any Numbers?

Maybe it's just me, but I try to analyze the public comments to try to conceptualize the issue better. I gave up trusting the system a long time ago because it can't be trusted. Fair is foul and foul is fair. "They" throw numbers around like a used car salesman - no offense to used car salesman, or saleswomen. "The Model Education System" is the same system saying they need more money because they are failing.

My personal opinion is that "trust" is a necessary ingredient to educate our children. This trust, or lack of it, goes both ways. Read all of the public comments in the link below and you will see what I am talking about. "Broad brush" accolades are just as off base as "broad brush" attacks. When neither "side" examines themselves to see their part of it, their arrogance with ignorance continues to entrench themselves in their faults.

I think "wcmartin" covers the critical issues in the below snippet:

Superintendent Sees Problems In New Grading System:

"Posted by ( wcmartin ) on 12/27/2008 at 11:12 am.
",,,,,,,,,,There is no accountability to terminate poor performing teachers. There is no accountability for poor administrators. There is no accountability for parents who have no involvement in their children's education........."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading those comments was quite disttubing. What is see is alot of blaming the teachers, blaming the students, and blaming the parents.