Sunday, April 20, 2008

When are Scissors Used As A Crutch?

Must be "global warming known as spring" - thank you Mr. Cheney.

After several days of no writing, today seems endless in subject matter.

A while back I posted my thoughts on how a nurse, or maybe it was an LPN, or maybe it was a person designated by the district to act as such (can be found in the state statutes), was quick witted to identify a crutch as a weapon, thereby positioning her actions as protecting the children, a responsibility which she has the authority to do.

I have written a few words on school employee authority, and we all should know not to question it. Other blogs have produced documents and told incidents of how this authority has been exercised.

I read this today on and laughed out loud, again:

Boy Stabbed With Scissors At School

I wasn't laughing at the fact that someone was stabbed. It was this comment by the "hall monitor":

"What was the school thinking? Keeping deadly weapons readily available for anyone who picks a fight. One minute you're cutting geometry shapes, the next minute you have a pair of scissors lodged in your neck. We really need to rethink what kind of craft projects we're assigning these students."

At least our school system requires a carry permit for crutches. Maybe we should start being proactive and do the same for scissors. I am sure Doctors won't mind taking on the legal liability of providing permits to weapons such as crutches and scissors.

And I was worried about "hands".

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