Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Looking for Substance More Than Image

We have a post by Ms. DeCeasar regarding a document from Doug Erwin, a vindicated whistle blower. It is my understanding that he not only asked for whistle blower protection, he needed it. From all accounts, he became a victim of his professionalism and character. For those who watched the school board meeting the day they turned the cameras off when he was speaking, as someone once said "there was a chill wind" that blew across the district that day.

Teachers seem to be asking for support and leadership from their administrators when you read the anonymous comments. When one looks to their administration for support and leadership, there must be more than an image of professionalism.

The truth about the Doug Erwin story is known by few. The truth about the Whitehead case story is known by few. Reading the court document does not provide the story justice. What should be of interest and concern to those looking for integrity within the HCPS is how the system deals with legitimate issues. We used to hear that "it isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game". One wonders if winning at all cost, no matter how you play the game, may be what drove the District's defense.

Here is a link to a commentary about the Whitehead trial:

Inside Story of the $600,000 Verdict in Florida Retaliation Case
by Laura Whiteside, Esq.

This section should be of note:

"School District Maintained "Private Files"

During the trial, school district representatives testified that decisions about the child’s need for individual services is up to the discretion of the school’s speech language therapist. Although the Hearing Officer determined that the School Board illegally denied the parents access to their son's educational records, the jury learned that the School Board continued to maintain "private files" of correspondence about OCR complaints.

The jury was presented with the "private file." This private file showed that the district misrepresented events to OCR about providing Andrew with compensatory educational services."

"Death By Education" by William Weiser was his story of the system.

Maybe there really is a pattern when one connects the dots.

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