Monday, April 7, 2008

There Is That Word "Arrogance" Again

In today's Tribune, we find this:

Parents Get Crash Course In Hubris 101

At the very end of the editorial, there is the word that I use a lot when I talk about the HCPS:

"They say it takes a village to raise a child. Apparently in Hillsborough, a few arrogant administrators will suffice."

I wonder if the editors will get a visit like Mr. Otto did here:
"Administrators Need Love, Too, I Suppose"


Suzie Creamcheese said...

Is the school district too large to make the changes needed in response to the public who finance the operation and use the system?

PRO On HCPS said...

I will think about this and post my thoughts on the matter later.

In the mean time, I will direct you to a previous post of mine where I mention how some within the District use "size" as an excuse: Hey Mister Editor May I Have A Job.

Within the ESE world, I am very familiar with the rationalized defense that “the District is too big” when it comes to defending problems. I already have a few thoughts, but alas, as the song says: "No time left for you
Distant roads are calling me"- guess Who.