Thursday, January 15, 2009

When "individual" Meets "Statistics"

The title of the below post on The Gradebook got my attention. My attention is not about the politics or business aspects of education but rather what happens when parents clearly understand the premise that their child does not get another chance when it comes to dealing their child's individual educational setting.

When an educational setting goes wrong for an individual child, the advocating parent does not give a rodent's posterior if:

- the State, County or school site has an A rating.

- the Principal hand picked each of the teachers based on their level of competence

- how dedicated the staff is

- there is a red carpet at the front door

- the permanent teacher is out for the rest of the year

- the school does a great job and was ranked in some news magazine

- and all of the rationalizations used to bolster the system

A parent is responsible for their kid, and when things go wrong, telling them about what is great for all of the other kids is hardly reassuring.


Florida students don't get another chance:

"We can't pull the rug out from under the people who depend on these services, especially those with the greatest needs. Children grow each day; their education can't wait. Illness doesn't follow economic trends; patients need help now. And our country's infrastructure must be modernized sooner than later."

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