Friday, January 16, 2009

What Would Wise Men Be Thinking?

Elvis sang that song that says "only fools rush in".

Another way to look at it would be like this:
"All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him.
Chinese general & military strategist
(~400 BC

Another way to look at it would be "if it's too easy, be vewhy, vewhy careful".

Another way to look at it would be to zag instead of zig.

I read the recent post over in "The Abyss". If you have been following the post's there, you would know that there has been some discussion about the rating of the great HCPS. Ziggy has been "defending" the attacks against the HCPS by using the recent "A Rating" as evidence that something must be good about the system. There is something to be said about ratings.

In today's post, Ziggy discusses his/her opinion and apparent displeasure on grading curves and the misplacement of kids into AP classes. What seems to be an area that one could easily rush in to is to say that these acts skew legitimate attempts at true ratings. In other words, rampant grading curves would give a false statistic to someone trying to rate a District.

But the very fact that it seems so easy, I am resisting the temptation to rush in.

I wonder where Ziggy got all of those numbers. Maybe that is the trap. HCPS broad brush attackers would believe those numbers without verifying them.

There is something about Ziggy that I like, but I'm not rushing in.

The Abyss: Ziggy says the unthinkable

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