Saturday, January 17, 2009

Public School Professionals At Work

I will leave it to others to debate the true motive of what Mr. Chandler's quest is. I have read all of his posts and as many links as I can find that are related to this issue. I have read many public comments that support and attack his actions. The fact that there is a question about his motives adds to the emotional energy of those who oppose his actions.

As far as I can tell from the research I have done, Mr. Chandler is operating well within the parameters of the existing law. I can understand why the law may need to be changed. As far as I can tell, the manner in which he was cavalierly and arrogantly rebuked by the public school systems has resulted in something far greater. In other words, the whole in now greater than the sum. I can vicariously relate to this mindset. I wonder if he has ever been labled an "isolated incident", "broad-brush attacker" or a "malcontent".

For those who are interested in how the public school systems operate, his blog promises to shed a lot of light. After you read this link, check out the other posts.


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