Saturday, January 10, 2009

Taking A Break

For those who check in often, I just wanted to share with you that my youngest son is in the hospital. He has been "sick" since December 14th, and, despite our numerous trips to his various specialists, he continued to get worse.

He seems to be better today, but we still don't know what went wrong. It may have been the drugs they gave him to make him better. We have a few more tests to run and hopefully will be home Monday.

Keep up with "The Gradebook" and I see there is some interesting verbal jousting over on Ziggy's blog.

I will get back to blogging when I can.


Anonymous said...

All the best for your son's speedy recovery.

PRO On HCPS said...

Thank you, Goader.

I appreciate the thoughts.

I was encouraged when I read your recent comments and I certainly wish you well in your efforts.

PRO On HCPS said...

Phillip came home today. He seems to be "normal" for him, which means constantly on the move without chemical intervention.

We know what it wasn't, but we don't know what it was.

For those who are interested, Phillip has far surpassed every milestone he was given from birth. His first heart operation was at 4 months old. He was not supposed to live past 4 months, then 16 months, then was supposed to "start failing around the age of 20".

These predictions were based on medical knowledge and technology at the time of the prediction. The best way to say it is that medical knowledge and technology has stayed ahead of him. He had heart operations at each of those milestones. We chose quality of life over the risk of death, and so far it has paid off.

The 25 years of his life have given me more than one can imagine.

Anonymous said...

God bless you-- you are an exceptional person. Best wishes for your son's continued improvement.