Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some Things Are Simply Hard To Digest

One must be a frequent observer of our Hillsborough County Public Schools school board meetings to understand the implications of my following comments.

While I doubt many people ever read these Board Digest Reports, it would certainly be a grave injustice to judge the person who wrote the below passage in a negative manner, because I have little doubt based on years of observations, that the recording was accurate.

Over your FCAT Readiness Pancake Breakfast, let's read the following passage:

• Regarding boundaries, there are places on the map where there are no kids and they are in schools that we know are over crowded. We need to look for opportunities to move kids out of schools before they even get there. We need parameters in place before we do district wide boundary changes. We have to make decisions based on money sometimes, and then the boundaries aren’t as neat and clean as they ought to be. We should maybe promise parents we won’t move their kids more than two times in 10 years. We also need to consider parents who don’t want to send kids to a school that is graded lower. Maybe we promise not to move kids in a school that is more than one grade lower. Maybe we need to do a different kind of outreach, for choice and magnets. We need to think of the district in a more holistic way.

Where is Jon Stewart when you need him?

Let's take the first sentence.
"...there are places on the map where there are no kids and they are in schools that we know are over crowded."

Ok. An empty set is actually present and somehow adds quantity to other sets?

Second sentence:
"We need to look for opportunities to move kids out of schools before they even get there."

Maybe it's me, but this seems like power and control at it's max. Sort of like the same mindset of those who believe in abortion. Get rid of them before they get here.

The rest of the passage I will leave to you. What is scary is that this is a pretty good replication of the thought processes that are on display at our local school board meetings.

All can be found at this link on page 4 under "Member Olson".

School Board Digest
January 27, 2009

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