Monday, March 23, 2009

I Hate It When I Miss The Obvious

For some reason, I have been thinking that the HCPS superintendent's contract renewal came and went and I missed it. I just realized that I didn't pay attention to details because I was looking for something that happened before it was supposed to, if that makes sense.

According to this contract of July, 2005, the contract was written for "a period of three (3) years, ending June of 2008. So I have been wondering since June of 2008 where the action has been.

Duh. The action happened 10 months before in August of 2007. Not only did I read about it then, I have made comments about the process of the Board's evaluation and a few comments about the numbers involved in the action. What I never grasped was that what I was looking for was right there. Duh.

In light of the recent (ongoing) discussions of budget crisis, merit pay, discontinued DROP for teachers (not sure about Administrators)ending, furloughs and layoffs, I thought it would be interesting to look at some numbers. After all, a trillion dollars is a drop in the bucket now-a-days.

Let's see if I can read this right: School Board OKs Raises; Elia Gets $16,413 More

This is what I will use for my source of numbers:

"Elia's base salary was increased to $252,913 - a $16,413 raise from her base last year. She will also receive numerous bonuses based mainly on student achievement, which brought her an extra $48,240 last year. It took months for the district to calculate the extra pay last year. When they did, her annual income totaled $284,744."

Using 50's and 60's math, I calculate Elia received a 6.94% base salary increase and a 19.07% bonus. Let me know if I need more toes.

Maybe the teachers should align their "merit pay" to reflect the superintendent's contract. The teachers say they don't have much control over the many influences that effect student achievement. But teachers who would benefit directly from bonuses based on increasing enrollments in specific programs would certainly have an incentive to fill those seats. Site administrators would also steer students to these programs.

If they build it and tie a bonus to it, they will come. Ready or not.


Anonymous said...

The teacher blogs have grown quiet, I have taken a medical leave and my guess is that most teachers are just trying to get through the year.

At my school teachers are tired and many are frustrated. I don't think anyone cares much about merit pay. I think most just think its a sham and have lost confidence that it will be administered fairly. I personally feel that merit pay is an insult.

Anyway, that's what I think.

I am so happy to be out of the fray. My blood pressure is getting back to normal and I can actually smell the orange blossoms and hear the birds sing.

PRO On HCPS said...

I posted my thoughts about how the local teacher blogs going quiet.

Goader made a comment about his situation. I wish him well.

The recent federal activity is really bothering me. I am contemplaiting making a comment about how "we the people" may well soon not have any say at all.

Thomas Vaughan said...

Sure he posted his comment but how do you feel about his being "swatted" and told be be quiet?

How do you feel about his acquiescing to their threats?

I find his caving-in disappointing.

Teachers complain about a lack of respect but really, why should they be respected if they wont stand up to injustice?

PRO On HCPS said...

I will evade the feeling question because I am not sure how I feel. Apparently I have some ambivalence, based on my own history.

It took me 6 years before I realized the game. During those 6 years, I tried every positive strategy I knew to try to obtain positive outcomes. I remember the times of self doubt where I wondered what was wrong with me because things did not make sense and I could not believe what was really happening.

On December 16th, during my IEP meeting, it became clear to me. There was no longer any doubt. There was no longer any reason to trust. I used my anger to motivate me to learn the law and the needed strategies. It worked for me.

As I have written before, it takes a lot of emotional and intellectual energy to deal with these issues. As you know.

I firmly believe "they" are trying to break him. What "they" do not understand is that "they" may be creating a bigger problem as time goes on. I may be a perfect example of the kind of pain-in-the-ass to the system that "they" create.

In a sense, I too am biding my time. One day, "they" will slip up with some one who has what it takes to nail their ass to the wall, and I hope I am there to watch the outcome.