Friday, March 20, 2009

Grades Are Those Inclines On Roads - We Provide Student Assessment By Our Own Code

Thanks to The Gradebook, right here in living technology, we see a current Florida law that is said to be "well established":

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes :->2008->Ch1003->Section 437 : Online Sunshine: "The 2008 Florida Statutes

Title XLVIII K-20 EDUCATION CODE Chapter 1003

1003.437 Middle and high school grading system.--The grading system and interpretation of letter grades used for students in public schools in grades 6-12 shall be as follows:"

It appears to be like this:

Grade A equals 90 to 100 percent
Grade B equals 80 to 89 percent
Grade C equals 70 to 79 percent
Grade D equals 60 to 69 percent
Grade F equals zero to 59 percent
Grade I equals zero percent

Sounds easy until you read the public comments:

".....the state has no jurisdiction over grade scales, it's strictly a local matter....."
Posted by: terminator | March 20, 2009 at 02:20 PM

If we are not a nation of laws, we are nothing. From the looks of how things are going, laws don't seem to mean much except to those entities that can make and the change the laws without checks and balances.

There may not be any grades on our roads to education, but there sure are a lot of curves.

PRO on HCPS: Oo ah oo ah oo oo, Kitty:

"But what the public education system is selling and what the ignorant public is buying (talking generalities here) is 'look how good our kids are doing because look how high their grades are'."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those of us in the classroom were outraged several years ago when an outrageous curve (oh, it was called a "scale"). The next year we waited to see--it was still ridiculous. This years, ist semester when Springboard had been the curriculum, both the exam and "scal" were ridiculous--nothing wea "relevant" or "rigorous". And so it goes.....oh, and try getting hold of one of those exams!!!!!