Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who Could Be Shutting April Griffin Down?

In today's Tribune, we find Mr. Ruth's comments:

New 3 R's: Reeling, Riling And Rankling

"Griffin had submitted travel requests totaling $3,500, which is in line with the other board members.

The travel involved attending three conferences focusing on curriculum, which is sorta what school board members deal with.

By the time Faliero and the travel committee got through with Griffin, her request had been pared to $646.

I am curious where he got these numbers from. If they are true, the public should (as always) be "vehwy, vehwy concerned."

If these numbers are true, it makes me think there is much more to this than just Ms. Faliero's personality. After many, many years of experience with the HCPS, I have more than a cursory knowledge of how "they" run things.

For the sake of the argument, suppose "outside forces"(outside of the school board)were giving directions to the Chair to shut Ms. Griffin down. Period. Maybe it was done in a sense of "keeping her (Griffin) in her place or maybe it was done in a sense of "make an example of this for others to see". Continuing with this hypothesis, suppose the person, in this case Ms. Griffin, didn't play along with the plan. The person under orders eventually runs out of reasonable logic or strategies and has to result to intimidation. I have seen it many times happen to me. I learned a long time ago that when things don't make sense at the table, someone not sitting at the table is the decision maker.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps Ms. Faliero just wanted to wrap things up so she could get to the mall.

PRO On HCPS said...


if it were something simple like that, I doubt she would have set up the pomp and circumstance related to the later presentation of how kids who went to a political rally should not be counted absent.

Since she is a politican of sorts, I am surprised that the Tampa area intellect have not made the connection that a politician would of course endorse any district advanced education program that would support a politician.

But no, it appears that education comes first, so any hint of something other that education is far from any of the administrations mindset.

I just have to ask, are you talking Brandon Mall or Universal Mall?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I should have elaborated so that you could get the "dig".

My comment referred to her off mic (but audible) remarks to Jack Lamb at the last Board meeting.

So you might want to rethink paragraph 3.