Saturday, February 7, 2009

Take Care Of The Pennies And The Dollars Will Look After Themselves

Thanks to The Gradebook for these links.

First of all, there are rumors abounding that School Board members may get pay cuts. So far, there is no move to make it mandatory, and as far as I can tell, it's been suggested as a volunteer move to help save our public education system. I think it is ironic that those who have the power and authority to take money away from others get into a tizzy when faced with the same sense of being in a powerless position.

Perhaps that is why this school board member wants to look at where all of the marbles are before he gives up some his:

Lee superintendent says board member’s call for audit is ‘absolute foolishness’ : Lee : Naples Daily News:

"Chilmonik is adamant that he is not on a witch hunt, but has continually said he simply wants to make sure every available dollar is going toward funding educational programs and retaining teachers who may be laid off in anticipated budget cuts."

I am shocked, as I am sure everyone else is, that the previous auditor "suspected fraud". Get right out of town. Oh, she did.

And then there is this:

Should teachers be mandated to make house calls?

I dare anyone to challenge this move and not be accused of racial issues. I read the report.

How many students does this statement exclude?:
",,,or are clearly under performing even if their grades are on average a C or better."

Free advice to school superintendents across the state:

Get wording into your contract with your local school board that pays you a bonus for every black student enrolled in the "House Call Program".

It will guarantee a win-win situation for a lot of folks. Not sure about the kids.

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