Friday, February 6, 2009

Optimistic Bias For You, The School Employee

Optimistic bias is a fancy way of saying "it won't happen to me".

I believe that the public school system is big business and big government all at the same time. "Education" is simply the raison d'etre for the ongoing growth of both business and government within the education system. If I am right, the combination of those two types of power is formidable. Individual issues within a public school system are like a gnat on an elephant's behind in terms of importance to the real word around the elephant, or the system.

Most of us are just too damn trusting of our school system and our government. If you disagree with that opinion, then I suggest that you open your eyes and ears and start getting your worldly information from another source. Perceived threats, real or imagined, to either of these institutions are quashed by various methods. It is apparent that our national media is no longer our watch dog and journalism and freedom of the press has lost it's integrity. I recently read about this same accusation regarding our local media, which is not a surprise to me. I have written about it a few times before. It probably won't be long before blogging is censored.

Silencing those who are not in lockstep with the government or the school system is becoming more evident. For evidence concerning how the government wants to deal with opposing views, look here:
Another senator lines up behind 'Fairness Doctrine'

Over the years, I have been blamed for the cause of employee dissatisfaction and causing some of them to leave the field of special education or education in general. From my perspective, it was the system that failed the employees for not providing the employee with the truth about their (the employees) responsibility and when I came along, the employee was overwhelmed with the truth about these responsibilities. The employee basically was put between a rock and hard place.

In most all of the cases that I know, the system protects the employee and it appears that at least a few employees have gained a promotion after being "attacked" and weathered the storm, even if the storm went through a federal court. What appears to be truly an isolated incident is when the system turns on one of it's own without outside provocation.

How optimistic are you that this won't happen to you?

Criminal Investigation for Child Abuse - Felony Pt1

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