Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do You Trust The Gatekeepers While They Are Selling The Keys?

Joel Chandler may be doing exactly what has been done many times before.

The only difference may be that Joel was outed.

Joel was outed because the school systems made it public that Joel was being a "troublemaker". A few school employees took this premise and have gone to great lengths to out Mr. Chandler using the same access to public records that is afforded to all citizens. There has been some posturing by some Legislators to address what has been construed to be an apparent appalling misuse of the public records request law. The efforts so far just seem to be the half hearted kind. The point has been made that if school systems truly thought this was wrong minded, the school systems have plenty of clout to bring change. But we don't see this.

Maybe this "appalling misuse of the public records request law" may be a fabricated charge perpetuated by the system and unwittingly carried out by some emotionally charged employees simply to change the focus of attention on the fact that Mr. Chandler's actions are perfectly legal, and that any entity can do it. And perhaps these entities have actually done the same thing that Joel has done, but the system does not want it outed.

In the below link, you can find this:

"Ned Julian" 11/3/2008 7:59 AM >>>

.....Interestingly, Mr. Julian is the staff attorney for Seminole and the President of the Florida Association of School Board Attorneys. Why did so many districts take a position that even their Association President described as “clearly contrary to law”? Mr. Julian’s comments validate my contention that I did not waste taxpayer funds, but the districts that decided to take an unlawful position did. It’s too bad that so many districts decided to ignore his sound legal advice."Message in a bottle....

One of the accusations against Mr. Chandler has been that after he gets all of the names and addresses of all of the people covered by the public school health insurance policies, he is going to market this data for profit. Are we to believe that Mr. Chandler is the first entity to recognize this strategy?

What Mr. Chandler did was not only strongly supported by the courts previously and subsequently to his law suit, but the e-mails that he has posted from various school systems demonstrate that they also knew his request was legal but they ignored it anyway.

How are we to trust an entity that flagrantly ignores the law? Are they in bed with some one's ole' lady while Joel is getting in their bed?

Keep following Joel's blog as there is obviously more making of trouble that will be exposed.

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