Friday, March 21, 2008

Living In The Wild Wild West

A little Escape Club to start off the day:

"Heading for the nineties living in the eighties
screaming in a back room waiting for the big boom
give me give me wild west
give me give me safe sex
give me love give me love
give me time to live it up"

Maybe the name of the group says it all. We have another allegation about a teacher having sex with a student. The story made both papers - The Tribune and The Times

Some day I just have to organize by blogs. I have written before about how human sexual behavior transcends sexual education. While I agree that we all should be educated about sex, I keep trying to make a point that sex has a head of it's own, or maybe it's just a wild cat that can't be tamed.

I do find it interesting that at the same time the public is being educated about the risks of smoking, the kids aren't being given free ashtrays at the prom. At the same time the public is being educated about the risks of drugs, they aren't being provided sterile needles in a box at the door.

For some reason, we just seem to know that sex is going to happen. The Puritan Ethic just tried to delay the inevitable. That has gone by the wayside. It inflicted too much guilt, some believe.

It used to be that only men and women were openly allowed to be doing it. That is not the case anymore. So maybe the slippery slope of lovin' the one your with is getting steeper. Add a little suggestive clothing, some jive talk, a little mood alternator, and some lubricant, and the slope gets easier to go down.

Have the leader of our cuntry deny that getting a head in this world is not about sex helps grease the slope. Passing the trash in the public school system, a well known practice that has been exposed, adds a little grease to the slope. It also appears that somehow the boys get to be heard when they talk about cleaning the chalk board, but the girls never had any credence when they talked about how they were polishing the teacher's apple.

The tensions of FCAT, the stress of the whole realm of being involved in education needs some release somewhere. What's a student and teacher to do? And if it wasn't for the poor parental upbringing, these kids wouldn't be bringing these teachers down.

Maybe this story isn't true. I have already read one public comment on the Trib's page that hints that the kid was lying. Maybe he will be suspended until the authorities can talk to his parents. Gotta circle the wagons, and remember the mantra - "First you blame the kid, then you blame the parent".

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