Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wrong for 35 years

Click here: Hillsborough: Your kid's teacher? Connect the dots

"We've been doing it wrong for 30 years," said Debi Veranth, the director of administration tasked with fixing this most unlikely back-to-school bungle.
Several weeks ago, Veranth learned that postal regulations prevented the district from sending such personalized information with its bulk mailing rates.
The policy is nothing new. In fact, she said someone in the school district's mail room recently discovered a notice to this effect. It's dated 1972."

It is 2007 today - my math tells me it is closer to 35 years -but who is counting. Perhaps there is a chink in the cavalier attitude of "that's the way we have always done it so it must be right".

Perhaps there will be more professional standards being kept. I wonder what would have happened if a discontented parent would have pointed it out to them. Or a new teacher. Do you think the system would have taken an honest look at the law and took an honest look at their policies and procedures?

Where are the compliance officers and how much are they being paid?

Meanwhile, parents will be blamed for being too dumb to follow the instructions, as if they have been told the same thing for 35 years and still don't get it.

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