Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Training of Coded Language-Another Brush, Another Incident, but keeping out of legal jeopardy

I spoke of the coded language that is taught in IDEA training meetings. I have spoken about obfuscation of the law by those who should know. The following is straight from a publication that is developed by the District for the District.
From : THE EXCEPTIONAL COMMUNICATOR November-December, 2004 Vol. 4 No. 4


When parents make requests at IEP meetings there are some things that you shouldn’t say in
response; using these phrases could place the district in legal jeopardy if the parent files for
due process later on:
 We can’t do… - We don’t believe…
 No student gets more than…  It would cost too much to…
 It would take too much...  We don’t do…
 We never do…  We only do…

Instead, show you’re listening by asking:
Where did you hear about that ?
 Which IEP goals do you see that addressing ?
 Do you have data on that ? Can you get us information?
 Have we described what we’re doing in the program we’re using ?

This speaks volumes to one who understands the game. I don't care who wrote it. But it is pretty clear that the focus is on protecting the system -gate keeping if you will.It also clearly says to "show you are listening by asking...." as to "show you are listening by answering the question or addressing the issue".If one honestly looks at these feigned "listening strategies" it is no wonder that the special education realm is frustrating for all. I continually hear about teacher retention and the teacher shortage in special ed. Dealing with students and parents is a hell of task. But dealing with a system that "shows you are listening" does not work.

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