Tuesday, August 28, 2007

HCPS Board Spat


I wasn't there. I don't know what was said nor how it was said. But trouble has been brewing, and now it is at a high simmer. Having watched the last Board meeting and saw and heard what was said, and since I recorded it, I have replayed certain parts so I can see it more clearly, I have a question. There were specific comments made during the meeting and the word "disconnect" was used. At least twice the Superintendent made a point that if any Board member had any questions about issues, they should come to her "first". I assume "second" is speaking about it to the public.

Since that meeting, the information came out about Ms. Faliero not living in her respective area. First the St. Pete Times and then the Tampa Tribune reported it with seemingly different perspectives, even if one just read the headlines. I may have missed what responsibility the local Board has to govern their own regarding this matter, but I haven't seen it.

So today, Ms. Faliero apparently asks/tells? Ms. Griffin to resign.

Now to my question: Had Ms. Griffin or Ms. Valdes taken the same action as Ms. Faliero and moved temporarily and initially denied it to the press, and then asked/told another Board member to resign, would the local administration be more open about sanctioning them?

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