Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Out-Of-Control Bus Goes Crash, Crash, Crash

I love it. Insight into the Great Oz - the HCPS. Please note that I am making comments about the system, not individuals. While we can assume that individuals are the cause of the failure of the system, most of us are not privy to which individuals and to what extent each individual contributes to the failure of the system. Therefore, I am not speaking of "isolated incidents" nor am I making "broad brush attacks", to which we know the system is inoculated against (dripping with sarcasm known to my frequent readers).

If one goes to this link and clicks on the related links:
Related Links

Consultants' Report (PDF)
Consultants' Report (PDF of PowerPoint slides)

then read the reports. They are eye opening at least that "out there" there are true professionals that understand the systemic challenge of busing.

One gets the idea from reading the report that bus schedules are still done like they were 30 years ago, similar to weather reports being done by throwing a dart at a chart.

Today's HCPS fiasco was predicted, and it was reported how and why it would happen in 2006. And, this prediction was paid for with our money.

Here is just the beginning:

"The transportation program at the Hillsborough County Schools is not in crisis, but is under significant pressure. While costs are reasonable relative to industry norms, they are increasing while the quality of service is rapidly deteriorating. Left unchecked, this trend will inevitably lead to major service disruptions and a concurrent loss of confidence in the system. This situation has been studied a number of times, and is generally well understood. This Transportation Improvement Plan represents the culmination of an effort to define a coherent improvement strategy that will reverse the trend of decline and set the program on a path towards stability and long-term success.
The time for further study is, we believe, long since past. The time for action is now. As such, the focus of the project undertaken by Management Partnership Services, Inc. (MPS) was to define the nature and root causes of the department’s shortcomings, and to develop an action oriented plan for improvement. Rather than focus on describing our findings and providing a list of disconnected and impractical recommendations, this document describes a coherent plan for implementation of improvements with only a minimum of explanatory and supportive background discussion.


Anonymous said...

The bus situation is a metaphor for the whole system.

PRO On HCPS said...

to anon 6:01

Your comment is right on.

I used to attack individuals within the school system because I was outraged at the dereliction of their professional obligations.

On December 16th, 1996, my insight into the system was launched. At first, I was all guns blazing. Maybe you heard of the person that mailed out 176 letters in one day aimed at anyone that was affiliated with ESE or had a "ranking" within the District. My goal was to expose the bullshit.

As the years went on, I realized that the individuals were as much a victim of the system as I was. I still resent that, but I understand they can't bite the hand that feeds them.

"The whole system" is the problem. It is more than Elia or Lennard. It is more than the countless number of Assistant Superintendents of You-name-the-division. It is more than Area Supervisors, Principals, AP's, and department heads.


However, just like there have been countless "heros" in our history, we must have leaders that can overcome the system instead of simply maintaining the existence of a failing system.

Goader keeps begging for respect for teachers from the system and the public. He won't get it until the system respects itself. The public that accepts the public school system as it is is ignorant. The public that keeps wanting out of the system knows that the system is dysfunctional, but they do not have the where-with-all to articulate it.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Richard! You have it scoped out and words to show it. What a mess-where do we go from here? And--that includes the few of us that have been working for change.....