Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why Should We Trust the Public School Education System?

"November 2004 | Volume 62 | Number 3
Closing Achievement Gaps Pages 28-32

Confronting the Racism of Low ExpectationsRacism in educators' attitudes—and in how students are placed in advanced classes—still robs minority students of chances for success."

I will choose this passage in the above link to make a point:

"Racist Attitudes: Subtle and Overt
I have run into many parents like this man during the two years since the publication of my book, A White Teacher Talks About Race. All over the United States, from small towns to gated suburbs to "inner-ring" districts to inner-city schools, I have listened to parents, teachers, administrators, and students verify the truth of this father's observations. Principals have told me about teachers who say openly that black boys are impossible to work with because they are hyperactive and uncontrollable. These same teachers ignore the behavior of white boys who act out. Teachers have told me that they avoid their faculty lounge because the talk behind closed doors is offensive to them, full of negative assumptions based on race. One teacher told me it is like "witnessing the chances for kids diminish right before your eyes.""


I know from experience that the plight of the disabled students within the public school system follows the same type of prejudice from the public schools that applies to black students as outlined above. I know from experience that some black people reject the correlation. It is my belief that the black people reject the inference that "blacks are the same as the disabled". That is not the point. The point is that just as blacks had to have Federal intervention to access education, so did the disabled. If you don't know the legal history of either, please do not call yourself a professional educator. Of any.

It is my understanding that blacks used(?)to be considered by "the public school system" to not have the aptitude to perform. There has been much to do within the court system over the years that have demonstrated that low expectations is pervasive against both blacks and the disabled.

I write often about the arrogance and ignorance of public school systems.

I smugly comment that these types of situations do not happen in my own school system, only others.

This is a recent case, not in my district of course, that addresses retaliation.

This is a resource for those who want a quicker version

What I found interesting about this case is the following comment at the bottom of page 11:

(....describing "air of disdain and tone of contempt of APS officials" at due process hearing)id. at p. 33....)

And there is this:

"As the meaning of �students-with-disabilities� gets watered down, the most severely disabled children pay the steepest price. Dillon reminds us that their parents are crying out for them not to be treated as victims and excuses:"

this quote is found here.

After this week, I think it is phenomenal that a District the size of HCPS is free of any low expectations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should trust the Public School Education System. I don't think you should trust anyone.

Read about my friend Goader and you may understand a little of what we go through. We teachers are afraid to trust anyone.

I see the best of us leaving. Who you gonna trust then?

I am disgusted. Send your kid to private school. Better yet, pay teachers better and you might get better quality people entering the field. People like Goader could do anything they wanted and be successful at it. He chose to teach and make crap money because of his idealism.

Yep, don't trust the Public Education System. Get a voucher, home school your kid. It is not going get any better no matter how much you complain.

I am glad I don't have any kids. I got an administrative transfer. I am a very good teacher. My sin was I didn't want to dress up like a prison escapee on the first day of school and flat out refused. I wore a shirt and tie and my principal told me how disappointed she was in me.

Its madness. Good luck. Believe it or not, this is as good as it will ever be.