Sunday, July 19, 2009

What Else Does A Bully Have After The Image Fails?

I will do what the PRO on HCPS does - connect the dots for those who do not see the picture.

The dots are within mine and the local blogs. Just connect them.

Earlier, I posted some comments about the situation at Middleton High School.

According to the article from the media, the Hillsborough County Public School's Superintendent was apparently trying to bully the local media to write more positive reports.

What if the local media does not kowtow to the Superintendent's inference that Middleton's problems are due to the media.

In other words, what if the local media is not bullied?

What does a bully have once their obfuscation is called?

What does a bully have once their claim to professionalism is seen as simply charlatan behavior?

What does a bully have once their claim that they know best doesn't work?

Bullying comes at us everyday.

I personally have been bullied. The day after I wrote a letter of complaint to the HCPS, I was threatened with trespassing on a public school property where my child was enrolled. I did the same behavior that I had done before, but suddenly, I was threatened. I was advocating for my son. I have had the finger of authority in my face. I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now.

Arrogance with ignorance. What does a bully have other than an image?

The videos that Goader provides speaks loudly. I suggest you listen to them last to first.

Bullying Is Not Kidding Around : Goader

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