Saturday, July 18, 2009

Looking Through Another Glass

The links below sound inviting to me.

I don't know enough about any hidden agendas that may be behind this plan, so I am not saying I endorse it.

I am planning another IBEA post that deals with the word "trust".

How many of us trust the system after it wasn't "friendly or inviting?"

What about a whole community that finds the system not friendly or inviting, except in the terms of the linked-to author:

"The usual way schools try to get parents involved is by saying, “Come to us and we’ll teach you what to do.” That’s an educator’s natural response, but it can come off as lecturing or preaching. It can sound condescending."

My words for condescending are cavalier or arrogance with ignorance.

Think school systems will have this as a check-mark for parental engagement?

Florida & Tampa Bay schools blog - The Gradebook:

"Another group was just very intimidated. Maybe school hadn’t been a friendly or inviting environment for them."

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