Monday, July 13, 2009

IBEA - Building The Legacy of IBEA 2009 -Part 2 - Manisfestations of Blackness

I keep reading in the local blogs that blackness is the reason that a lot of students' behavior interferes with their, or their peer's, access to their curriculum.

This is my second post on the the need for the development of The Individuals With Blackness Eduation Act" (IBEA).

As all professional teachers and administrators know, under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, students who are "covered" under IDEA are supposed to be afforded what is widely and well understood as procedural safeguards. The Procedural Safeguards notice, which all professional teachers and administrators are trained in, contains information in the following areas:

IDEA - Building The Legacy of IDEA 2004

After reading the comments on the local blogs, it only seems reasonable, in order for the public education system to carry out it's function, that we, as a concerned nation, develop similar procedural safeguards for students with blackness.

Note: Anyone reading this comment must read the other posts to put this concept in the proper perspective related to the pervasive opinion that blackness is the root problem of our education system.

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