Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teachers Are Treated Like An Acute Appendicitis. Administrators Are Given Back Rubs And Toe Massages

It appears that there are plenty of dots to connect to draw a pretty good picture.

While not all teachers get their undies cleaned at the first sign of trouble:

PRO on HCPS: The No-Blog Defense Means Good PR: "Ragusa Complained About School's Public Reprimands:

'There was a pattern of inappropriate behavior,' Cobbe said of Ragusa's teaching record before the investigation. 'It was never anything that rose to the level of sex, but it was clear she didn't know her boundaries.'"

Then there are these kind of actions from the Professional Standards Office:

Professional Standards is B-R-O-K-E-N : Goader:

" (Goader) just spent an entire year under investigation for a single incident, which in comparison to the repeated behavior of an administrator with a foot fetish amounted to nothing."

Then there are these nagging media reports that are the sole reason for the HCPS bad reputation. If they could only identify who writes these messages of anger and misinformation, every thing would be fine within the great Emerald City:

Administrator at Tampa's King High 'popped' students' toes for poor grades - St. Petersburg Times:

"Cody from TampaJul 25th, 2009 12:09 PM

There are more kids involved that were discovered AFTER the investigation and they are not included in this report! Ask the students!!

There must be some criteria the Professional Standards Office uses to decide when look and when to overlook. Is there a Plan T for teachers and a Plan A for administrators? According to this toe-tapping article and the one in the Tampa Tribune, it appears that Professional Standards only engages in Professional Standard action if there is a dispute about the facts:

King High assistant principal told to stop popping students' toes

"School board officials did not investigate the matter because there was no dispute of the facts."

We are left to wonder what would have happened to King High students if they had said that the AP had not popped their toes even though he said he did.

I assume that there was no dispute about the definition of Partialism -


The Lance: Past the Pages: "Therefore, foot fetishism may be considered to be a taboo or dark fetish, however, modern evidence shows that it exists on a continuum and that it is much more common than people realize. Whether you love to buy shoes, or you think feet are sexy, foot fetishism has its place in modern sexuality and it seems to be much less atypical than originally thought. However, if foot fetishism is interrupting your daily life or sexual functioning, then you should talk to the doctor to get referred for a psychiatric assessment and future diagnosing to get the help you need."

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