Sunday, September 6, 2009

It Is Real - It is Powerful - It is Crippling For All Of Us

Over on Goader's blog, today we see this:

Soft Intimidation, Subtle Retaliation : Goader Incites#more-1267:

"The frightening part of all this is how softly and virtually unnoticeably some in the higher echelons of the district engage in intimidation and retaliation. One barely notices the gentle and shrewd manner in which the illegal activity of intimidation, harassment, and retaliation promulgated against an employee simply voicing genuine concern for injustices within an institution supported by taxpayer money"

On my PRO On HCPS blog, under "About Me", you can find this:


"Starting in 1990, I started to become aware of a different set of standards of communication than what I was accustom to in all other areas of my life. Where was Shakespeare when I needed him. Foul was fair and fair was foul. My words were twisted from the intent of what I was trying to communicate.When I tried to hold some people accountable for what they said, I was countlessly in the middle of a misunderstanding.
After years of trying to make sense of a process that should make sense, I have come to realize it was by design.,,,,"

Under "About Me", you can find this on this blog site:
Public Education - Politics, Business and Education:

"Through the course of his life, we had the inopportunity to be subjugated to a few people and a public system fraught with deceit, disingenuity and contempt. I am here because there are few who can or will stand up to them."

On my Motel Special Ed blog:
Motel Special Ed:
".....Through the course of his life, we had the benefit of numerous people and a public system that provided him his opportunity for success. For those I will be eternally indebted to. I am here because they were there for him, and he can not thank them. Through the course of his life, we had the inopportunity to be subjugated to a few people and a public system fraught with deceit, disingenuity and contempt. I am here because there are few who can or will stand up to them............"

What will have to happen before this abuse of power is dealt with?

Or, is it too late?

1 comment:

twinkobie said...

It is never too late to fight back. Never. lee