Friday, August 14, 2009

Public Opinion Is Root Cause of Poor School Reputation

Here is the link to the Tampa Tribune Letter to the Editor:

Fire the toe-popper

The Tampa Tribune

Published: August 5, 2009

Regarding "Many scratch heads about toe-popping punisher," Aug. 2:

King High School Assistant Principal Olayinka Alege's so-called toe-popping punishment reeks of fetish. He should be fired.

His size alone (approximately 6-foot-5) is intimidating. He is using his authority and size to take advantage of students. If he were a teacher, he would be fired immediately for his poor judgment. Alege is getting special treatment because of his position.

One writer, who identified herself as Melanie, said she had never met anyone who loved kids the way he does. I also have never met anyone who loved kids the way he does. Nor would I want to.

He deserves more than just a slap on the wrist. The school system should take immediate punitive action.



Posted by ( noles2u ) on 08/05/2009 at 02:15 pm.

I would agre with my Ms. Agrow - in this day and age and the training the AP has received, I would consider this improper toughing. Even is blown off as "bad judgment" do you really want someone in a position of authority who thought this was an acceptable method of punishment? Minimum - demotion, but I doubt seriously if the School Board has the courage to act.

Posted by ( RangerBob ) on 08/08/2009 at 09:22 am.

I am sadden by our school system - to allow such behavior is to encourage such behavior. That fact that Mr. Alege said it was just a "playful" thing with the students is disturbing enough - but only with boys and only with boys who were not improving their grades? This man should not be in a position of power and should not be working with children.What is wrong with the School Board?

Posted by ( TOOPRETTYforprison ) on 08/13/2009 at 11:47 pm.

There is nothing wrong with a foot fetish per se. BUT, the intent with which this one is practiced is strange and yknow if it's sexual (and it probably is) disgusting and probably illegal. This is no different that Stephanie Ragusa. In fact, it's worse. He's doing it under the guise of 'friendly this and punishment that'. Stephanie's approach was more aboveboard. Let's say.There is a worse problem than he, however. That is ANYONE WHO LET THIS PASS UNMOLESTED. Nice play on words, huh? They should ALL GO. Like with clayton wilcox and the fantasy that starting over would ruin vendor relationships.How stupid does the school system think the public IS? Despite the fact that they try to dumb down the education we're smarter than ever.Stop looking the other way from these CROOKS.Good for you, Lynne Agrow. I'm off to find some folks to back you up here.

What is interesting is that representatives of the HCPS routinely complain that the poor reputation of the school system is because the media paints a bad picture.

From my perspective, the above author and the public commenters seem to have based their opinons on the actions of the AP.

How long can the house of cards last?

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