Sunday, August 16, 2009

Diligent Attention To Detail

True southern born and raised people have a saying that is old as dirt.

Instead of chastising someone, they will say something to the effect of "Bless your pea-picking heart." When I was a young lad out on the farm in Fort Lonesome, six miles east of Wimauma, I occasionally visited the Primitive Baptist Church, which was nigh close near to my farm. I can still hear the rhythmic rant of the preacher as he gave his message of how we were all going to hell for our sins, unless we repented, and that somehow if I put a quarter in the basket that was passed around, I would have some type of atonement for my sins.

It was worth a quarter to me to eat all of the food that came after church. They called it "dinner on the ground." Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn would have been envious to see the fixin's that were on the long wood table. Some woman of the church made the most perfect lemon meringue pie that was to die for. It had the perfect caramelized top. After I stuffed myself with ham, potato salad and baked beans with bacon in it, I always had room for the lemon pie.

I have written before about loose French cannons. A hit in the dark is still a hit.

I must admit that I can not keep up with Lee's soliloquies.

Frequently, I have to use an hydraulic system to chew through the message.

Bless her pea-picking heart.

But, a hit is a hit.

Over on Lee DeCeaser's blog, we see that Linda Cobbe has sent Lee an e-mail.

Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch: "-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Cobbe []
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:06 AM
To: lee
Subject: Re: Inquiry to Sheriff Gee
Lee, you got some facts wrong. I don't have the report-in-question with me, but no one made any changes to the CPI report. The original and 'corrected' documents both say at the top that they are professional standards documents. I believe there is a link to both on the Times Gradebook blog.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device"

From Linda's Blackberry.

At 11:06 AM.

On a Sunday.

A hit is a hit.

I don't understand the message from Linda Cobbe.

Bless her pea-picking heart.

Best I can do is keep it simple.

From what I see, there is:

One (1) report from CPI - Child Protective Investigations - Sheriff Gee's office

Two (2) reports from SDHC - Professional Standards Dept - Investigation Report

From my country boy logic, there was indeed no changes in the CPI report, because there is(?) only one. (Unless they cook another one.)

From my country boy attention to detail, there are two reports from Professional Standards Dept.

I have diligently looked at all of these documents.

Since there is only one CPI report, it is what it is.

However, since there are two Professional Standards Dept. reports, there does seem to be some changes. And more.

Time will tell.

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