Friday, August 14, 2009

I Will Take "Intimidation and Retaliation" for 400, Please, Jeff.

Jeff Solechek asks the rhetorical question in The Gradebook today:

Florida & Tampa Bay schools blog - The Gradebook

WHY SO QUIET? Hillsborough will examine the student culture that kept Walker Middle School students silent even after they witnessed a fellow student being raped on campus.

Look what happens to people who come forward about problems within the HCPS.

William Wieser. Doug Erwin. The federal Whitehead case. They all won. They all won against intimidation and retaliation. Erwin and Whiteheads both won the moral courage award in Hillsborough County. Except for Wieser, they all had the resources it took to carry the fight to the end. Wieser ran out of resources after the District kept appealing Wieser's wins.

What they do to teachers:

Equal Protection Campaign (Pt2) : Goader#more-1235#more-1235#more-1235:

"Watch Goader’s monologue from August 11, 2009.
Read the text of Goader’s monologue.
Watch the rebuttal of the school board attorney."

After you listen the rebuttal of the school board attorney, you will see that he missed the point of Goader concern about the double standards within Profession Standards and the attorney personalizes the issue towards Goader.

What they do to students:

Hillsborough: Suspension without rules: "By LETITIA STEIN, Times Staff Writer
Published November 1, 2007

TAMPA - The student kept spreading rumors about a teacher having sex with another student until Middleton High School administrators suspended her."

A girl came forward with the truthful actions about her teacher having sex with a classmate. She gets kicked out of school on some clever, obfuscated ruse that being kept out of school is not a suspension.

What school systems need most is trust. What they do best is destroy it.

It seems that clever parsing of words and meanings that are best left for courtrooms play out in the every day speak of school representatives. Board member Griffin appears to try to get past the defenses and deal with the issues.

Whatever the outcome, my bet is that the end result of this investigation will be scripted long before the process occurs.

That's the way they roll.

1 comment:

Goader said...

Type the word "retaliation" into the search bar on the blog, Goader. About a dozen articles come up all have a common theme. That theme is about an "us against them" attitude that permeates the district. It begins at the very top with the superintendent. Only when the big cheese denounces this culture of retaliation will we ever achieve a goal of eliminating bullying and harassment. If we want students to report misconduct among them selves, then we have to accept teachers doing the same without fear of retribution.