Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Knowledge is Power" is Corrupted by those who provide "Knowledge"

When I was in the 1st grade at Wimauma Elementary, I got into a "fight" with a classmate.

I told him spaghetti grew on trees.

He told me I was an idiot, or some other 1st grade level term for same.

I staunchly protected my assertion, not because I knew the truth, but because "my Dad said" it did.

After my 70 minute ride home from Wimauma to Balm and then back to the West to East loop of Grange Hall Loop and then back west a mile on 674, I eagerly walked the 1/4 mile distance from my bus stop to my house to tell my Dad how I had stood my ground about where spaghetti comes from.

Imagine my emotional process when my Dad laughed out loud, and then told me that he was "just foolin'". My Dad's fun cost me humilation to the n'th degree. My male rival had bested me. My attempts at female conquest (my true love forever was Brenda(at that time)) was compromised because she was smart and obviously saw me as a hopeless dimwit to have so gallantly defended such an ignorant position.

On my last my post I wrote this statement: I will read other "resource links" in hopes of decreasing bias in the resource source.

I learned to verify my source of knowledge.

And here is a good example of what goes on today:

Falling exam passes blamed on Wikipedia 'littered with inaccuracies'


Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is like the Citizen's Band radio. Anybody can say anything and chances are nobody will correct it (in time).

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is like the Citizen's Band radio. Anybody can say anything and chances are nobody will correct it (in time).