Monday, May 25, 2009

My Own Memory

My father is buried in the Arlington National Cemetery.

I am getting to the age where the vicissitudes of life have mitigated my feelings towards him as a father and have changed into my respect of what he was to himself.

He was a "Full Bird Colonel" and "a mean son-of-a-bitch" by his own description. His favorite introduction quip was "I'm Colonel Hancock, who the hell are you?"

I understood the character of Colonel Jessup in A Few Good Men.

As a son, it is difficult to measure up. I could list the number of accolades I have in my life, but it never mattered to him.

Men like him have protected the rest of us from our own passivity and nuances.

Men like him have provided a moral compass from which we can deviate from.

Men like him are willing to carry the banner up front, and damn the torpedoes.

Men like him are arrogant, cavalier and really don't give a shit if you disagree.

At a high school baseball game in the late 60's, I saw him knock the hat off of a man who did not remove it for the Pledge of Allegiance.

I heard him call the President's office after something happened during the Cuba missile crisis and gave his advice on what to do.

Life for him was a mental and physical war with anyone and everyone. I understand full well the song by Garth Brooks, The Night I Called The Old Man Out.

It has taken me 55 years to get to this point to admit that I have a memory.


Goader said...

Your poignancy is an honor to your father on a day of honor.

Your inner recognition of who your father was speaks to the meaning of growing older.

Anonymous said...

My father was much more mild-mannered. I admired and still do, his absolute patriotism and integrity. We owe so much to that generation. We still have my father--and others of his generation--but not for much longer. There will never be another like them.I take every opportunity to express my gratutude. Appreciate the the service he gave--and just love him.

pollyanna's gone

PRO On HCPS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PRO On HCPS said...

Ooops- that was Dec 1996

PRO On HCPS said...

I stated the date wrongly in my previous post, so I corrected it and then deleted it.

PRO On HCPS said...
Thanks for the comments.

My father was a very eccentric person.

Every person that I knew, that knew him, had a vivid recollection of him, one way or another.

I was the kid who had to stand at attention and say "Yes, Sir!" or "No, Sir!"

I was the kid who was taught the motto "I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do."

I was the kid who knew that if I ever did anything wrong away from home, it was a reflection of my father's parenting. And he protected his reputation above all else.

I may write a post about this later, but for now, thinking about the "training" my father gave me led me to almost laugh out loud when the Principal at Mann Middle School pointed her finger in my face in Dec. '1996.

In mimicking the words my father would have said, I could have easily said: "I'm the Colonel's boy, who the hell are you"?

Her choice of action to try to imtimidate me actually brought out the traits that were right up my father's alley. I know he would have made much more of an impression than I ever did if his son had CHARGE syndrome.

May 28, 2009 9:14 PM