Friday, May 1, 2009

Ethnocentrism - Hillsborough Association of School Administrators

Duh! As soon as I read Goader's recent post, ideas started hitting the fan. I have a degree in Sociology, but also have a background in Psychology and Anthropology. Keep in mind that my dedication to these doctrines is not of a professional manner.

However, as I read Acknowledging Problems Exist : Goader Online, this thought came to mind:

ethnocentrism - : ": characterized by or based on the attitude that one's own group is superior".

I have spent almost 20 years trying to figure out what I have described as a "cancer" within the Hillsborough County Public Schools. I reject and rebuke that I make "broad brush attacks", rather, I contend that I have tried to draw attention to a phenomenon of how parents are, by pre-conceived strategies, discounted and left irrelevant in their desire to advocate for their child.

Frequent readers would also note that I reject and rebuke that I, as a parent that challenged the HCPS system, am an isolated incident.

Frequent readers would also note that I challenge the District's use of the accusation that one is an "isolated incident", and that this "statistic" is actually an incrimination of the system because they are the only one's that are keeping score.

My previous use of the words "arrogance with ignorance" is now to be replaced with the scientific use of the word "ethocentrism".

You read, you decide: "arrogance with ignorance" = "one's own group is superior".

Prove me wrong.

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