Sunday, April 12, 2009

Old Time "Secret Investigation" Was No Doubt An Isolated Incident And A Broad Brush Accusation

School Board releases secret investigation:

"The investigation of McClelland and the grounds department began quietly in September 2000 after Erwin met with former School Board chairwoman Carolyn Bricklemyer. Other district employees, include Sickles High assistant principal Elsa Tuggle, also complained to the school security office last fall.

School security handled the investigation until the district hired Gietzen. Gonzalez said he told Gietzen to turn over his unfinished findings in the spring because his probe was taking too long. At that point, the district began an internal investigation.

The district had refused requests to hand over Gietzen's report until this week.

The 13-page report released Wednesday, though described as a cursory review by Gietzen, reveals a loosely supervised department that allowed employees and contractors alike to take advantage of district time, finances and property.

Some of the allegations, which Gietzen described as rumors, could not be documented.

But the examination did conclude that McClelland's nephew, Reese McClelland, received district work through a company known as Janice Turner Tractor of Plant City and that he used district equipment.

According to Gietzen's June 1 report, "this company enjoyed a relationship with the Hillsborough County School Board for quite some time and was paid a substantial sum of money." He also noted that much of the work done by the company "should have been accomplished by School Board employees."

Other Gietzen findings include:...........

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