Thursday, April 16, 2009

Did I Previously Make A Comment About Controlling Information To Maintain Power?

For those who have not benefited by the personal experience of being involved in power and control issues with a government agency, the below links provide an insight that most of the trusting employees and public do not get to see very often.

If you comprehend the information that is provided in the links within the below links, you will see what happens when a knowledgeable citizen attempts to exercise an action that is legally sound. It is difficult to understand how a legal representative of one government agency could apparently disregard sound legal advice from another legal representative and also act contrary to a Circuit Court's order.

But if the copies of these documents are true, it paints an interesting picture:

Oh, what a tangled web we weave....

Troubled Waters....

In the meantime, the rest of us just simply trust the professionals.

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