Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Am The Boss, That's Why

It seems that everyone has countless reasons of why the public school system is in disarray. It seems that everyone can find blame as to why it has difficulties. Until an outsider makes a statement about it.

I am amused at how public school insiders defend against attempts of outsiders to effect change. The knee jerk reaction is "if you aren't one of us, then don't tell us what to do."

Imagine a scenario where a consumer tells a business "what to do." For instance, if a person that purchases a car tells the dealership that it would be nice to have heated seats, does the car dealership retort with "We don't tell you how to drive. You don't tell us how to build a car!"

There used to be a successful eatery in Brandon for many, many years. There was always a waiting time at traditional eating times. My wife and I ate there frequently when time allowed. In order to conserve time, we always placed our breakfast order when the waitress asked us what we wanted to drink. This eatery was taken over by a new owner a few years ago. The first time we were there after the new ownership, instead of taking our complete order, the waitress told us she could get our beverage order and would take our order when she brought our drinks. Our statement that we already knew what we wanted did not change this process.

Upon questioning, the waitress told us that the new owner had a strict system. So, I asked to speak with him. The waitress was right. It was not the first time I had engaged the establishment and lost, so I figured I was just an isolated incident. I never went back. The eatery is now closed.

No one was going to tell him what might help his business, even though I have never owned a restaurant, nor ever worked in one.

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