Thursday, January 24, 2008

Educating or Maintaining an Existence

I have often heard that the first goal of a bureaucracy is to maintain it's existence.

Understanding our Public Education System may require a multi-disciplinary approach.
I have chosen a few concepts from this article that might be germane. Who would have ever thought Karl Marx would be discussed along with a grading curve.

"It maintains the social division in order to confirm and justify its own status as a particular and privileged body in society. As real activities take place in civil society, the bureaucracy is itself condemned to formalism since it is completely occupied with preserving the frameworks in which its activities are carried out and in legitimating them."

"The bureaucrat makes the goal of the state his own private goal: "a pursuit of higher positions, the building of a career."

"Marx also shows that this materialism is accompanied by a similarly crass spiritualism: the bureaucracy wants to do all, and, in the absence of a real function, it is condemned to an unrelenting activity of selfjustification"

"This solidarity in incompetence goes quite far in tying the employee, situated on the bottom of the ladder, to the system of which he is a part. As a result, it is impossible for him to denounce this system without simultaneously denouncing the vanity of his own function, from which he derives his own material existence. Similarly, bureaucrats seek the highest positions and work itself is subordinated to the gaining or maintenance of personal status, such that the bureaucracy appears as an immense network of personal relations"

Understanding these concepts may give some understanding to why the administration did what they did with the grading curve, and why few are vocal about it.

Exam Curve Is A Formula For Student Failure

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